Went to Butter Factory for the first time on Saturday. Larry was awesome for signing us in. Thank you! :)
DJ played my songs, I got my drinks, happy happy, I like :) Baby's fuji-instax was really really cool. First photo turned out really great!
I got curry on my shirt :(
Saw Messiah and his friend inside. God has Messiah changed or what? Haha!
Someone didn't feel too well, so we left early :( But I stayed over!
Sunday had zero loneliness but goodbye was oddly difficult even though I didn't show it.
I fell ill for the day which sucked bad. I need to pop them vitamin C pills pronto!
Someone high beamed me on my way home and I just didn't feel like taking shit from anyone so I chased his mazda 3 ass down BKE, turns out he was either AHBNA (all high beam no action) or just scared of me (cause I look damn intimidating with my lee hsien long haircut and rimless specs what). Parking at IMM today was a bitch too, mr. bigshot security guard doesn't know that I have my deck in the trunk and will smack his head with it truck-side if he continued running his mouth. Pfft. Road Rage. I realize I can't really skate but I feel very safe with my deck in the boot :/
Oh ya I also got my hair cut just now!
The DJ Salon guy was not there, damn sad! In the end I went to Pointer to let the china dudes cut :) I'm not sure if I like it, but I don't really think I care, just glad that the floppy centipede fringe is gone and not gouging my eyes out.
My mum thinks I'm going to do well this semester but I'm going to get dismissed cause I failed 2-3 modules.
I don't know what to do... :(
If my appeal becomes successful. I have 3 more semesters to go. That means no more year 3.5 for me. Its a full on 4 years, provided that I don't fail anymore. I suck at studying.
I want Terriyaki chicken now.