Hi guys, this is something that I have always wanted to do and I guess there wouldn't be any time better to start. Basically throughout my time in NP I looked to google for alot of my questions about how the school system works but I didn't get any results. I remained clueless and was forced to just go through with some stuff and see what would happen. So here we go! First hack!
I know most people don't get good results. Most of those people have parents who don't know when their kids are having their exams and when the results will be out. NP's way of countering that is to send a letter to your house and the only way you thought you could hide it from your parents is to intercept the letter. This would be really difficult to pull off cause you'll have no idea at what time the postman will arrive. What you should do is to find a house that belongs to someone you know like an adult friend or your really cool uncle and ask them if they would mind if the letter was sent to them. Go to NPAL>Profile>Change Address and change your address to their's and VIOLA! No more worrying!
Just remember to study harder next semester alright? ;)
Might only be applicable to Ngee Ann students. I personally do not endorse any of the ideas and concepts and readers please do not try this at home. This is for educational and discussion purposes only.